Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fire Ninja and Snow Festival!

Hey guys! I know it's a little late but the Fire Dojo is officially up with a legend and instructions!
My brother, Jared781 (he will be used a lot during this blog) was home sick and went to Club Penguin and found the Fire Dojo open a day early! He also found this really cool glitch. Check it out!
The amulet is full?! Weird...
Also, the Great Snow Race is up! There are free items too! The first new item is the Blue Pompom Toque! You can find it at the Ski Hill.
The next item is the Yeti Costume! You can get it in the Yeti Cave after completing the snow maze. Here is what it looks like.
Also, this is what the outside of the cave looks like!
Club Penguin is getting so much fun! Do you think so?


Monday, November 23, 2009

Clue #3 and #4!

A B c d E f g h I j k L M N O p q r s t u v w x y z.
Hint:Unscramble what you think looks suspicious.

I'm not going to give you the date because you already know its thanksgiving at the f... oops!


Friday, November 20, 2009

Thanksgiving party clue 2!

I'd better hurry up, before Thanksgiving comes,
if it's not on Thanksgiving, that would be really dumb.
But I gave you the room, and now its the time,
so if I must say, it's 15:29... Penguin Standard Time ;)
In other news, new better igloos and igloo upgrades catalog! Cheats tomorrow!
Also, the new room is coming in four days! It's pretty much done... but they need to add the mats and Sensei. And rumors are going around that Sensei is going around Cp eh?


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thanksgiving Party!!!

I'm sorry again that I lost track of this blog
To lazy to search for cheats,
But now I will make it up to you,
A PARTY! Lets bring on the heat.
It will be full of surprises but you have to be something that I can't tell you.
But if I have to give to 1 hint, it would be... it's something new.
